Hey there, I'm lindsey!

I am currently based in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois but I spent most of my life across the sea in the Philippines. When I'm not working to document people's lives, I enjoy spending time with my adorable bestie/husband and our dog Goose, daydreaming about traveling everywhere in the world, and filling my head with theology and pop culture. I am inspired by memories of my childhood, the movies, and good sushi. Most of all I am inspired by humans- who I believe to be living, breathing reflections of God.

"Maybe the desire to make something beautiful is the piece of God that is inside each of us."

Mary Oliver

My Photography Journey

My love for photography started the day I got a pink point and shoot camera for my 11th birthday. That little camera was shoved in every pocket of every pair of boot leg jeans that I wore for years. I took pictures of absolutely everything, from flowers to closeups of my sister's eyes.

Fast forward to college- I got my first "fancy camera" and convinced the School of Photography to let me take a film photography class. From there I became obsessed, bringing my camera everywhere and taking every opportunity to learn and grow. I started taking portraits of friends and family, and even graduation photos for seniors.

Unfortunately, as happens to many of us in our lifetime, I allowed fear and insecurity to get the better of me. I started to compare myself to other photographers and became so caught up in whether  I was good enough or not. My junior year of college I stopped taking photos completely and my camera quite literally collected dust in my closet for a few years.

Baby Lindsey in Photo 101 in college.

In 2021, I was telling my husband that I felt like I wanted to create again and find something that was fulfilling and challenging but I had no idea where to begin. Without missing a beat he reminded me of my forgotten love- photography.

That week I dug out my camera, dusted her off and started taking photos again. I wish I could describe to you the life that it brought me! It felt so natural and so freeing to finally be behind the lens again. Nothing I had done before had brought me so much joy and fulfillment. And that was what started all of this- letting go of my fear and my worries that I'm not good enough and just believing that I can.

So that is what I'm here to do. To show up, to do my best, and to create photos that remind people of how beautifully they have been created. It is my goal to capture timeless, artful, authentic moments and to continue to fall in love with photography and with people along the way.

I would LOVE for you to be one of those people!

With my sweet husband Jon.